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Last day in Tahoe
The views you get driving around this lake are incomparable. The one big problem is on the weekends people come from every direction. Every available spot along the road has a car parked on it. We took a short 2.4 mile hike around an alpine lake before we left for the train. right now we…
Our first day in the Rocky Mountian National park. We got an up close look at a moose. We are staying at a hotel on grand lake. The lake is the largest natural lake in Colorado and is at an altitude of 8,367 feet. We hiked today to Cascade falls, just over 8 miles. The…
August 18-19
The weather and or the weatherman has not been our best friend the last two days. Yesterday the weather kept us from doing any hiking. Today we were able to visit Lake Junaluska again and take the 4 mile trail around the lake. The weatherman said it would rain all afternoon and at this point…
Another great day in Big Sky Country
We are staying at the Izzak Walton Inn. The inn was built during the great days of the railroad to cater to the rail employees. It is a train stop today with a working yard next door. Of course every thing is train themed. There are several rooms on the grounds that are converted rolling…
What are we doing?
Traveling via AMTRAK through 16 states in 16 days. 110 hrs and 5 nights on a train. Visiting some of the best parks in the world. We will be hiking and driving on the road to the sun. Hopefully we will have a few stories to tell you here along with a lot of great…